What is a citadel on a ship
What is a citadel on a ship

what is a citadel on a ship

Their debris slamming into the hull of his ship, causing superficial damage, but wrecking havoc on the morale of his crew. Scattered around his ship was the shattered remains of dozens of starships. Inevitably to be crushed to nothingness by the planet's intense gravity field. Obama took a crippling blow from a Colonial MAG and split in two, falling towards the Jovian giant below.

what is a citadel on a ship

He watched in disgust as the USS Barack H. "Not until were told to do so by CENTCOM." The Admiral stood up from his console and stared out the bridges main porthole. I recommend we withdraw to the safety of the Asteroid Belt." The Chinese Captain suggested to his superior in a heavily accented English. USS Ronald Reagan, Titan Orbit, Jupiter, 15112085

What is a citadel on a ship